
Showing posts from June, 2013

Off the Wagon

I've fallen off of the wagon for the past few months. It all started when my sister came to visit, and we went on a road trip.  It was KFC, Taco Bell, Burgers, Donuts, etc. while she was here.  During that long weekend I didn't track my points.  From there, I stopped pre-planning my dinners for the week, then stopped tracking my days regularly, then just stopped all together.  It didn't happen overnight, or even over a week... it took four months.  Slowly during that time things made their way back into the house... chips, ice cream, little debbie snacks... popcorn toppings - do you know that I've never had popcorn toppings before now??? Summer has hit, and I am going outside, doing yard work, riding my new bike, but my weight is not dropping, nor are my inches. I need to get back on track, start fresh.  Maybe I should buy a new tracking book, instead of keeping with the unfilled one that I have, as a physical reminder of starting fresh. Last week I was sti...

A month feels like forever!

It's been a long time since my last post.  Since then the Oregon rain has stopped, I've earned my first official tan (though still white compared to most people), we've gone camping and purchased bicycles. I'm still on Weight Watchers, though I have not been giving it my all... honestly, I haven't even been giving it my anything.  Babe is not on WW any longer, and I think that makes it harder for me.  I'll update my weigh in's and off scale successes soon. For Memorial Day weekend we went camping with friends.  It was a great time and a great way to start the beginning of summer.  Since then, I've spent a good amount of time outdoors and Babe and I have even purchased bicycles.  I love mine.  I'm still getting used to riding a bicycle again, I think it's been 20 years or so since I was last on one, and boy does my rear end hurt!  I'm so glad that I purchased a stability ball last week to use as a seat here at home, it's the only w...