Officially One Week...

... of being 100% gluten free that is.  It's going pretty well.I've been surprised to find the things that do, and don't, contain gluten.  I've also learned that I'd rather do without bread, than deal with the nasty bread that we've tried so far.

Here are some of the meals that we've had since going gluten free, that I've taken photos of:

The two above are a flourless, doughless, gluten-free pizza.  Recipe from Pintrest can be found here.
We really enjoyed this pizza, more than we ever imagined we would.  I'll make it again though by baking it on a pizza stone the second time around (it's a two bake process).

Okay, we may have a pizza problem around here... These are pics of pizza's we ordered from Abby's.  A bit expensive, but they were gluten free, and awesome.  Definitely a place for an indulgent delivery pizza.

While this doesn't look appetizing, it really was!  Tilapia with brown rice and black beans - LOVED IT!  I'd had all three of these items separately before, never together in a meal.

We've also made oven baked chicken wings twice, and corn several times (It was 12 for $2 at the farm).

You may ask how this is affecting my weight loss? Well, in a week, following both Weight Watchers and a Gluten-Free diet, I lost 3.7 lbs.  Not to shabby.  I'm just .2 higher than my last 'official' weigh in.  I'll be going back to meetings this week and I hope to be under where I was in my last weigh in.  Definitely moving in the right direction.


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