Walking and more walking.

Sunday was the 2nd week of TrackTown Fitness.  It was once again an amazing morning (not too sure how many more we will get) in an inspirational location.  I love getting out there on the beautiful track at Hayward Field and walking in the company of 200 other people, some walking, some running and some with a combo of both.  There are Olympians and the 2016 USA Track & Field Coach is the one leading our program.  I am truly lucky for this opportunity.

TrackTown USA

Thursday starts the Walktober challenge at work, where we will be challenged to walk 10,000 steps each day, with a prize at 100,000, 200,000, and 300,000 steps (10, 20 and 30 days).  I'm looking forward to the challenge.  I've already been trying to hit my 10,000 steps, but some days I let myself slack.  I'm hoping working towards this challenge will help me hit my goals on days I feel like slacking.

Yesterday was the Super Harvest Moon.  Babe and I went out in search of it, since the trees along out street made it impossible to see from our house.  It was a pretty cool site, though I didn't actually see any of the eclipse starting or ending, just the full effect.  I tried to get some photos, but since I only took my phone with me, they weren't all that great, and the moon turned out much smaller than it seemed.

My dear, sweet adorable Storm decided that he would take today to chew up his first pair of shoes.  This may not seem like a big deal since lab's are known for their chewing habits, however he had never had this inclination in the past.

My sister is moving here in less than one week and I couldn't be more excited.  It'll be strange though, having family living close enough for me to see every day if I wanted.

He chose today to chew up the pair of Tom's I was waiting all Summer to wear, since they are striped in darker colors that remind me more of fall than summer.  Needless to say I was not pleased with his handiwork.
My poor Tom's
He and Omaly get along well enough for a kitten and a puppy, they play together all the time and don't really fight.  It's the best I could have asked for.

Gotta fix dinner and get a walk in for Storm before we eat.  Ciao!


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