Food Addictions

Hello, my name is Alex, and I'm a food addict.

That's how I feel. Like there should be a food anonymous or something. Unlike other addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling) there's no way to avoid or quit this addiction cold turkey. We need food to survive, no matter how you look at it.

The last few days I'm been trying to notice how often I think of food. It's a lot. I mean, an exhausting amount of time. If it's a meal time (which is a lot more than I'm accustomed to if I'm eating all my WW points), then I'm thinking about what I'm eating. After I eat I'm logging what I eat, both for WW and for my doctor, so double tracking. When I get home I also enter everything from my paper tracker to the computer. When I get home from work I cook dinner and before bed I prepare meals (breakfast/lunch/snacks) for the next day. The next morning I pack up all that I prepared the night before. In between all of that, even while I'm working, part of my min is always thinking about food still! I'm thinking about what I won't let myself have (donuts that a coworker brought in, lunch from the cafeteria, candy on another coworkers desk). Yes, I could eat them, waste the points, track them and call it done - but at this point I don't feel I can. I need to learn willpower and restraint (things that I haven't learned in 30 years) and I know that I cannot give in or indulge right now. I also think about what I can prepare for dinner next week (this week is already planned) and what type of dish I can look for a recipe for. I'm thinking about what I brought for snacks and what I can bring tomorrow. Are you tired yet? I know I am!

I'm getting tired of thinking about food all the time. The more I try not to, the more my mind wanders back to the same subject.

Want to know what's the most sad thing of all? I'm not hungry. Well, I get hungry; sometimes, but not often. And I'm STILL thinking about food all the time. It makes me want to eat, just thinking about it.

I think I need to focus some out of work time back on PartyLite. I've let it slip the past few weeks, months, actually, heck - since I started. Maybe that will give my mind someplace to focus besides food...

On a brighter note (and back to food, again), I have had salad for the past three days (not alone, as a side) and I'm not tired of it and I'm looking forwards to having it again today. That's a huge change from the past.


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